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Tech GuideHow to Manually Add Favicon in WordPress | Show Favicon on Google...

How to Manually Add Favicon in WordPress | Show Favicon on Google Search Results

How to Manually Add Favicon in WordPress and Have it Show Up on Google Search Results: In WordPress, setting up a favicon is usually a straightforward process. However, if you find that your favicon isn’t showing up in Google search results, it can be frustrating. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to manually add a favicon to your WordPress site and have it show up in Google search results.

What is a Favicon?

A favicon, short for “favorite icon,” is a small, iconic image that represents a website or brand. It appears in various places within web browsers, such as in the browser tab, bookmarks, history, and even on browser search results pages. Favicons are typically square images with dimensions like 32×32 pixels or 16×16 pixels and are saved in formats like .ico, .png, or .jpg.

Importance of Adding a Favicon to Your WordPress Website

1. Brand Recognition and Identity

Favicons are a visual extension of your brand. They provide an instant and recognizable representation of your website. When users see your favicon, whether it’s in a browser tab, bookmark list, or search result, it reinforces your brand identity. Consistency in design and color scheme between your website and favicon strengthens this recognition and helps users remember and associate your brand with the visual cue.

2. Professionalism and Credibility

A well-designed favicon adds a touch of professionalism to your website. It indicates that you pay attention to details and care about providing a polished user experience. In contrast, the absence of a favicon or a poorly designed one can make your site appear unfinished or unprofessional, potentially deterring visitors from exploring further.

3. User Experience and Navigation

Favicons aid in navigation, especially when users have multiple tabs open. A distinct favicon helps users quickly identify which tab corresponds to your website, even when tabs are minimized or obscured. This seamless navigation contributes to a positive user experience by reducing confusion and making it easier for users to locate your site among their open tabs.

4. Visual Differentiation

In a sea of search results or bookmarks, a unique favicon helps your website stand out. Users are more likely to click on a result that features a recognizable favicon, as it visually sets your link apart from others. This can lead to increased click-through rates and improved organic traffic, ultimately benefiting your website’s visibility.

5. Emotional Connection

An effective favicon can evoke emotions and associations tied to your brand. Whether it’s a playful illustration, a stylized letter, or a subtle nod to your core offering, the favicon can create a subconscious emotional connection with users. This connection can foster positive feelings and a sense of familiarity, potentially encouraging repeat visits and engagement.

Why Your Favicon Isn’t Showing Up on Google Search and How to Manually Add It

You’ve carefully designed your website’s favicon, uploaded it to your WordPress site, and even cleared your cache, but to your dismay, it’s still not showing up on Google search results. Don’t worry, you’re not alone in facing this issue. There are a few common reasons why your favicon might not be visible on Google search, and fortunately, you can manually address them. Let’s explore the possible causes and how to fix them step by step.

Reasons Your Favicon Isn’t Showing Up on Google Search

  1. Google Crawling Delay: After making changes to your website, it can take some time for search engines like Google to crawl and index those changes. This includes your new favicon. Patience is key, but if the issue persists for an extended period, there might be other issues at play.
  2. Favicon Format and Location: Google prefers favicons in the .ico format for search results. Ensure that your favicon is in this format and placed in the root directory of your website.
  3. Cache and Browser Issues: Sometimes, browsers or cached search results might not immediately reflect the changes you’ve made. Clear your browser cache and try accessing your site on a different device to see if the favicon appears.
  4. WordPress Theme Compatibility: Certain themes might have specific requirements for favicons. Make sure you’re following the theme’s guidelines when adding your favicon.
  5. Incorrect Implementation: A simple mistake in the implementation process, such as a typo in the file name or a misplaced file, can prevent the favicon from displaying correctly.

How to Manually Add Your Favicon in WordPress

WordPress makes it possible to manually add a favicon to your WordPress site using File Transfer Protocol (FTP). You’ll need a favicon package with various files and HTML code. Both of them can easily be created with an online tool.

Step 1: Create a favicon file

Open an online tool for generating a favicon. In this example, we use the “Real Favicon Generator”. In the app, click on the button “Select your Favicon image” to upload the relevant image.

How to Manually Add Favicon in WordPress

Next, scroll down and click on “Generate your Favicons and HTML code” at the bottom of the page.

How to Manually Add Favicon in WordPress2

In the next step, download the favicon package and copy the HTML code.

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Step 2: Upload the favicon package using FTP

You can now use FTP to access the WordPress data. Open the main directory and upload the favicon package there. Be sure that you’re in the same folder as the WP admin or WP content folder.

Step 3: Insert HTML code

Finally, open the file header.php and insert the HTML code for the favicon in the header area. Make sure that your domain and favicon path are entered correctly.


When your meticulously crafted favicon doesn’t show up on Google search results, it can be frustrating. However, by systematically addressing the possible issues and manually adding the favicon to your site’s code, you can ensure that your brand’s visual identity is represented consistently across all platforms. Remember that changes might take some time to propagate, so give it a little patience. If the issue persists, consider seeking technical assistance or consulting with web development professionals to ensure everything is properly configured.

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How to Manually Add Favicon in WordPress | Show Favicon on Google Search Results How to Manually Add Favicon in WordPress and Have it Show Up on Google Search Results: In WordPress, setting up a favicon is usually a straightforward process. However, if you find that your favicon isn’t showing up in Google search results, it can be frustrating. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to […]
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